The Hater: I hate people who…

…did not buy for their children new clothes for Christmas. Who doesn’t know that Christmas is a big day for children? Even Jesus was a child on the first Christmas. Children should be happy on this day.

Monday, December 27, 2010

…did not buy for their children new clothes for Christmas.
Who doesn’t know that Christmas is a big day for children? Even Jesus was a child on the first Christmas. Children should be happy on this day.

Allow me to hate all those have children but didn’t buy them any new clothes, shoes or even toys. Put yourself in their position.

Would you believe your father did not have money to buy you something yet he was drinking Primus on that day?

I hate all these people for not being nice to little ones. I do not hate my mother because I am no longer a young child but an adult Hater.    

…eat too much all in the name of Christmas.
Yesterday was a big day on which we remember and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Since it is the most celebrated birthday in the world, I am planning to move my birthday to 25th December also.

But before I do that, I hate all those who used the day to eat so much food as if they were trying to impress the bosses at the World Food Programme.

Why do you have to eat a whole chicken or half a goat all because Jesus has been born? The worst thing is that even today you will have to eat again because all that food you cleared yesterday only earned you a long trip to the toilet.

I hate you so much for contributing to food scarcity in the world. 

…inconvenienced their neighbours on Christmas Day.
Although Christmas is supposed to be a day for sharing and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, some people used it to force me into hating them.

I really hate those people who bought meat and chicken and went ahead to fry it just outside their homes so that the neighbours can smell the aroma of the nice things being prepared.

The annoying thing is that after sending the tasty smells in the direction of your neighbour you did not bother to invite them to share with you only leaving them to struggle with boiled beans and bugali.

I wish all that oil you used to torture your neighbour’s nose makes you sick until next Christmas.

…only go to church on Christmas Day.
It is clear that Christmas comes around only once in a year but this should not be used as an excuse for you to only remember entering church on Christmas.

I really hate people who buy nice clothes and come to church only on Christmas. These are the ones you find at the church asking you for directions to the toilets because they are new to the church. Why do you only pray on this day?

Do you think Jesus will come back on a Christmas? I don’t think so since it is his birthday and he must be busy eating a huge cake with the angels. Churches are always open.

And I always hate lousy people like you.

…did not remember me on Christmas Day. I had almost forgotten this group of unserious people. I am talking about all of you who claim to be my friends yet you did not send me a gift, you did not even invite me to share the big chicken with you!

What kind of friend are you? Yes, I am talking to you, do not look behind. Yes, you, why do you always pretend that you are my friend and yet on such days you hide from me.

I tried to buy gifts for my friends but since I am always hating, I was only remembering the names of those I hate so I failed to buy anyone but myself a gift.

However, I am still waiting for my gifts seriously. You can even send money but not Zimbabwe currency!

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