KIE management should help former students

Editor, I am a former student of Kigali Institute of Education KIE and was part of the students, who graduated on December, 2 this year. The management had promised to process our academic papers soon after the graduation but we have waited in vain. We need to know what is happening.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I am a former student of Kigali Institute of Education KIE and was part of the students, who graduated on December, 2 this year. The management had promised to process our academic papers soon after the graduation but we have waited in vain. We need to know what is happening.

We don’t have any documents proving that we completed studies at KIE. And every year, once the festive seasons are over, both private and public institutions advertise jobs, inviting applicants.

What will our fate be since we don’t have anything to prove to the employers that we are done with studies and competent to withstand the challenges?

This will obviously reduce our chances of getting jobs. I appeal to the management to process our papers expeditiously, so that we compete with others.

Concerned former KIE student