Christmas is a sharing season

Editor, We celebrate Christmas day because God gave us his only son, Jesus Christ to liberate the World from our inherited sin. To show kindness and joy towards our savior, we need to share the precious gift of love. And the best way to demonstrate this love is through action. Our response should, therefore, be sharing this gift with others, especially needy people.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
St Michele Church was filled to capacity during Christmas Day prayers


We celebrate Christmas day because God gave us his only son, Jesus Christ to liberate the World from our inherited sin. To show kindness and joy towards our savior, we need to share the precious gift of love. And the best way to demonstrate this love is through action. Our response should, therefore, be sharing this gift with others, especially needy people.

We have many people around us, who can barely afford what to eat and the sick. I appeal to all my fellow Rwandans that as we start the New Year, 2011, let us be kind and share in the spirit of Christmas together.

Spend good time with your family and friends. You share gifts, prepare delicious food with those in need. Spare time and think about homeless people. Collect gifts for them; give cloths to children in the neighborhood who are not well-off.

I am very pretty sure by sharing with poor families, you will have added value to their lives.

Maureen Mukama