Kigali in festive mood

Just like in any other city, Kigali was lively not only on Christmas Day, but even before as people were preparing to celebrate the day in style. Even before December 20, people were already in celebratory mood accessing certain services at give away prices.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Shopping for Christmas trees (Photo / J. Mbanda)

Just like in any other city, Kigali was lively not only on Christmas Day, but even before as people were preparing to celebrate the day in style. Even before December 20, people were already in celebratory mood accessing certain services at give away prices.

Some companies and service providers put up various promotions which included reduction of prices on certain items and bonuses to clients.

"This Christmas, we attracted many clients due to promotions for our products. People came in to subscribe and I believed they had started celebrating even before the birth of Jesus Christ,” said the Star Africa Media’s Sales and Marketing manager, Eric Liang Liu.

Although business operations during festive seasons depend on particular businesses, Liu said business was still booming.

Moving around the city especially in shopping centres like Simba and Nakumatt, buyers and sellers were all busy.
One would not be wrong to think that the city had been joined by people from the countryside, even beyond borders. However, Alex, who works for Onatracom- a state-owned transport company, said more people had instead travelled to the villages than those who came to the city.

"People enjoy spending the Christmas holidays in the villages than in the city,” he said.

Christmas trees were selling like hot cakes and a person could get one at a minimum cost of Rwf 5, 000 although the price was negotiable. People could be seen buying gifts for their loved ones. Christmas cards were also on the market.

Jean Claude, a motor cycle taxi operator near Union Trade Centre,  said that work during the Christmas eve and Christmas Day was hectic but highly paying.

"I have been working since morning, I have not even been able to get time to have lunch because I believe I will miss money,” Claude said.

"We are making money and our clients during this period are very good since they pay exactly what we charge”.
