Let’s party with purpose

Tomorrow is Christmas: shopping has peaked as families and friends look forward to getting together, feasting and exchanging gifts as they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For some believers, Christmas is a time to reflect and assess their spiritual lives.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Tomorrow is Christmas: shopping has peaked as families and friends look forward to getting together, feasting and exchanging gifts as they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

For some believers, Christmas is a time to reflect and assess their spiritual lives. Others use this occasion to review their personal achievements over the past year and to lay strategies for the New Year.

As we celebrate this festive season, it is important that we maintain a sense of purpose and resolve to move forward, as a nation, businesses, families and individuals, and a nation. It is a moment to look back, take stock of our individual and collective challenges and successes of the year ending, and chart out a course that will help us register even more success. Every institution, public and private, should aspire to provide better service in the New Year, which should ultimately result in higher output.

Parents should use their free time during these holidays to instill good values in their children, and to show them the way to becoming great citizens, responsible parents and visionary leaders of tomorrow.

The privileged, should remember to share the joys of Christmas with the needy, their religious affiliations notwithstanding. In addition to the feasts, let Christmas be about renewed purpose and deep reflection. Merry Christmas!
