Fugitives’ court case set for January 3

KIGALI - Army and Defence Spokesperson, Lt. Col. Jill Rutaremara, yesterday told The New Times that the case against four former government officials on the run will be heard on January 3.

Friday, December 24, 2010

KIGALI - Army and Defence Spokesperson, Lt. Col. Jill Rutaremara, yesterday told The New Times that the case against four former government officials on the run will be heard on January 3.

The fugitives are Kayumba Nyamwasa, Patrick Karegyeya,. Theogene Rudasingwa and Gerard Gahima.

The case will be heard by the Military High Court following the quartet‘s failure to answer summons issued against them in November by the same court.

The court had announced that if the fugitives fail to heed the summons before the deadline, the court would take it as contempt of court and the accused would be tried in absentia.

Charges against the four include forming a terrorist group, ethnic divisionism and spreading harmful propaganda.
Nyamwasa and Rudasingwa face an additional charge of disserting the army.

Meanwhile, a United Nation Security Council Experts’ report last month,  confirmed that Kayumba and Karegyeya are working closely with the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia, a terrorist organisation based in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
