Rehoboth to perform today

A famous local gospel choir, Rehoboth, will launch its fifth album ‘Uri Imana ihambaye’ – (You are an awesome God) today, at Hotel des Mille Collines. The album has 11 singles, produced in different genres of music: Slow, Zouk, Rock and Blues.

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Rehoboth choir.

A famous local gospel choir, Rehoboth, will launch its fifth album ‘Uri Imana ihambaye’ – (You are an awesome God) today, at Hotel des Mille Collines. 

The album has 11 singles, produced in different genres of music: Slow, Zouk, Rock and Blues.

Entrance fee is Rwf 10,000 and Rwf15, 000 for singles and couples respectively.
