Let us support Bye Bye Nyakatsi

Editor, Allow me to move a vote of thanks ,through your esteemed newspaper, to members of the Rwandan Diaspora for mobilizing funds aimed at building a model village for the disadvantaged and poor families in Bugesera District. This project, dubbed “Bye Bye Nyakatsi” is a good initiative and I wish to urge all Rwandans to participate and get rid of thatched houses in our beloved country.

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Foreign Affairs Minister Louise Mushikiwabo (C) visits one of the Stalls at the Diaspora Expo. (Photo J Mbanda)


Allow me to move a vote of thanks ,through your esteemed newspaper, to members of the Rwandan Diaspora for mobilizing funds aimed at building a model village for the disadvantaged and poor families in Bugesera District.

This project, dubbed "Bye Bye Nyakatsi” is a good initiative and I wish to urge all Rwandans to participate and get rid of thatched houses in our beloved country.

I am very proud to be Rwandan and it is depressing to hear that we have over 6000 vulnerable families still sleeping in thatched houses.

But with the support of our good leaders, I believe by the end of 2011, thatched houses could be a thing of the past.
Rwandans who live in thatched houses have gone through untold suffering. During the rainy season, they suffer.

There is no reason why this project won’t succeed. The One Dollar campaign initiated to raise funds to construct hostels for students who survived the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi was a success. And I am hopeful, this one, too, will succeed.

Joy Murenzi