Community work, a fair punishment

Dear Editor, Last year, the government of Rwanda initiated a programme of engaging prisoners in community work as an alternative serving terms such as death penalties. This was well thought plan and will greatly help the prisoners and community.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Dear Editor,

Last year, the government of Rwanda initiated a programme of engaging prisoners in community work as an alternative serving terms such as death penalties. This was well thought plan and will greatly help the prisoners and community.

The various activities done by the prisoners are part of a plan to promote development and reconciliation at the same time. The prisoners are expected to do activities that conserve the environment like construct hundreds of hectares of terraces on the steep hills in order to prevent soil erosion.

The justification of this programme is that; it is an exam to prisoners to witness whether they deserve mercy and changing the stereotype of killing people for having killed others.

All the districts in Northern Province have used the programme and have involved prisoners in forestation, quarrying and construction of the houses of Genocide survivors.

Personally, I agree with idea that community activities should not be viewed as slavery, but rather, be proud of lending a hand in reconstructing a country they participated in breaking down just years ago.

After all, many charity organisations voluntarily do this kind of work. So, there is nothing special about criminals being kept busy.
