Gicumbi wants sectors reduced

GICUMBI -  A Gicumbi District Advisory Council (DAC) meeting held last week, has recommended that the number of sectors in the district be reduced to 15, from 21.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Gicumbi District Mayor Bonane Nyangezi. The district has announced intetions of cutting the number of sectors (File Photo)

GICUMBI -  A Gicumbi District Advisory Council (DAC) meeting held last week, has recommended that the number of sectors in the district be reduced to 15, from 21.

The meeting that was headed by the DAC chairperson, Cecile Nyirantwari, made the recommendations after realizing the district was not only finding it difficult to meet its expenses, but also pay off its debt.

According to the minutes of the meeting, the district would like cut down the money spent on salaries, as well as, pay off the debts owed to various contractors.

The modalities of the restructuring were read to the DAC by an independent commission that had been tasked with designing the roadmap of the restructuring process.

The commission, was chaired by the vice mayor for economic affairs, Ildephonse Butera.  Joseph Munyezamu (in-charge of good governance) and DAC vice chairman Jackson Mutabazi were also part of the commission.
Others are district land officer Emile Nyakagabo and representatives from Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) and National Police.

"The proposed restructuring and reduction of sectors will be done by merging neighboring sectors,” said Butera.
He added that with less sectors, the district will be in a better position to meet the financial needs of the sectors.
However, the DAC chairman insisted that this remains a proposal that has to be forwarded to the Ministry of Local Government through the provincial governor.

The sectors that may be phased out, according to the proposal, include Nyankenke, Shangasha, Cyumba, Kageyo, Rwamiko and Nyamiyaga.

However, the DAC did not agree with the commission on the phasing out of the distant Muko Sector, saying residents would find it difficult to access administrative services.

In an interview with The New Times yesterday, one of the district contractors, Faustin Twahira, welcomed the proposal, if only it would enable the district pay him an outstanding debt.

"At least the district will be able to pay my long term debt of Rwf 67m, for the services I rendered in constructing Gaseke market, and other infrastructure facilities,” he said.
Twahirwa added that he had filed a lawsuit at Gicumbi Court of Higher instance to have the money paid, but withdrew the case after the district promised to clear his debt.

"I received a letter signed by Mayor Bonane Nyangezi requesting me to withdraw the case, with a promise to clear my debt as soon as possible.”
