Why aren’t cross-border traders protected?

Editor, For the last couple of months, Rwandan traders and their counterparts in the region who transport their goods through Eldoret, Kenya, have faced constant ambushes by robbers who steal their goods and vehicles.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
One of the trucks that transport goods to and from the Mombasa Port. Transporters have complained of robbery along the route


For the last couple of months, Rwandan traders and their counterparts in the region who transport their goods through Eldoret, Kenya, have faced constant ambushes by robbers who steal their goods and vehicles.

The complaints are consistent and have been expressed for quite a long time, but nobody seems to pay attention. Why isn’t this issue being addressed urgently? What is lacking?

Why don’t EAC member states, through the EAC framework, take the responsibility and deal with it decisively? We have police forces in this region, who should protect traders.
These traders are serving ordinary people and once they are discouraged from bringing in such goods, there will be scarcity of commodities and price hikes.

Regional countries must do everything possible to reverse this unfortunate trend; it’s a problem that must be fixed urgently.

Jolly Mutabazi