Religious leaders urged to take part in the fight against AIDS

The Rwanda Interfaith Network against HIV/Aids (RCLS) together with Rwanda Network of Religious Leaders living with or affected by HIV/Aids (RWANERELA), on Sunday, yesterday commemorated the World AIDS day, pledging to increase their efforts in fighting the disease.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Rwanda Interfaith Network against HIV/Aids (RCLS) together with Rwanda Network of Religious Leaders living with or affected by HIV/Aids (RWANERELA), on Sunday, yesterday commemorated the World AIDS day, pledging to increase their efforts in fighting the disease.

The function held in Busgesera District.

In his address, the national coordinator for RWANERELA, Fidel Nsengiyumva, urged the religious leaders to collaborate with government institutions when fighting HIV/AIDS.

"I call upon religious leaders and residents to fight Aids at your work place and residences because it’s among the major challenges hindering the developing of our country,” he said.

Nsengiyumva advised the religious leaders who are already infected with HIV/Aids not be scared of their future, saying that they can still enjoy healthy and normal lives.

He, however, reminded them of their responsibility to encourage their followers to stay safe by being faithful to their partners, abstaining from sex or using condoms.

Nsengiyumva, went on to call for proper family planning, encouraging the residents to raise the number children they can manage.

During the event, Gakuirazo health Center in Musenyi sector provided voluntary and HIV/AIDS testing (VCT) where over 100 residents were tested.

The event also included various testimonies from individuals infected with the HIV/AIDS who mainly spoke of fighting stigma.

RWANERELA has over 160 members countrywide.
