RPF’s popularity based on masses’ support

Editor, Allow me to thank the leadership of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) for the unbelievable achievements attained over the last sixteen years.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Allow me to thank the leadership of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) for the unbelievable achievements attained over the last sixteen years.

I have travelled widely and read a lot about good governance and democracy.

I have also read about revolutionary movements which come, assume power but soon become corrupt like the governments they replaced.

The difference in Rwanda today, is that the current government has delivered, what it promised.

There is no room for corruption and all people, including senior leaders serving in sensitive positions, are required to account once they are found on the wrong side of the law.

The impressive economic transformation, access to health by almost all Rwandans and the prevailing security has indeed put Rwanda on the international map.

The popularity of any government is, first and foremost based on its commitment to deliver services to the people.

Rwandans went through difficult situations to right what is wrong.

Of course, there will always be detractors who talk ill of Rwanda and these should be ignored because they are simply jokers who have failed to do anything good for Rwandans.

The good thing is that even Rwanda’s enemies admit that the country has achieved  a lot within a short time.

Moses Kayima