RPF built on a strong foundation-Kagame

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, yesterday, said that the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) is a well established party that has been built on a firm foundation. He added that the party was borne out of difficult situations, with the objective of liberating the country, and continues to grow stronger by the day.

Monday, December 20, 2010
President Paul Kagame greets delegates upon arrival at the 10th RPF Congress, yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, yesterday, said that the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) is a well established party that has been built on a firm foundation. He added that the party was borne out of difficult situations, with the objective of liberating the country, and continues to grow stronger by the day.

Speaking during the 10th RPF Extraordinary Congress held at Petit Stade Remera, President Kagame, the RPF Chairman, noted that the party has firmly established itself, warning that it will not be easy for any detractors to interrupt the development tempo, the party is spearheading.

He pointed out that, in the history of Rwanda, the RPF is the first party to advocate for the well being of all Rwandans, regardless of their ethnicity or area of origin. Kagame added that it’s RPF’s "all-inclusive” approach that has cemented its position, as a party of all Rwandans.

Comparing the party to a tree that continues to sprout branches and never withers, the President, hit out at renegade former RPF cadres, as well as politicians like Victoire Ingabire, for attempting to divert the country from the positive path it has taken, warning that they will be defeated at the first attempt.

Amidst deafening applause, President Kagame, took a swipe at government critics who make a lot of "noise” on international radios, claiming that they want to bring good leadership to Rwanda. He emphasized that they have strayed from the country’s vision and ambition.

Kagame said that, with various challenges and hardships, it took a lot of patience and sacrifice for RPF to put pieces together and bring the country to the level of development and growth it is at today, warning that Rwandans cannot allow anyone to come and mess up the progress.

He went on to acknowledge the role of senior RPF members, saying that they are the roots of the tree, and the younger generation constitute the branches that are sprouting out.

He likened RPF leadership to a "relay race” where leaders will be passing on the baton to young and energetic leaders, after assessing them to be race winners. The Chairman cautioned that the baton cannot be carelessly handed over to a poor runner or someone who will divert from the race.

Citing the values that the party is built on, Kagame called on the party’s leadership and the young generation to continue observing high levels of discipline, respect, hard work and honesty, reminding them that party membership is not about being in the register but positive actions and outcomes.

He advised the party faithful to shun anything that undermines the integrity and dignity of the country and its people, including greed and dishonesty.

President Kagame, reminded the people that it will take extraordinary efforts and hard work to multiply what has already been achieved, and steer the country to the desired level of development. He pointed out that while resources like land, remain constant, others like the capacity of the people, can be increased to help achieve the country’s goals.

Referring to the elections for new members to fill the vacancies on the party’s executive committee, Kagame called for discipline and sacrifice among party members, warning that complacency or laxity will water down the party.

MP Alfred Gasana and Esperance Mwiza were elected as commissioners to replace Prof. Chrysologue Karangwa, who resigned after appointment to Chair of the Electoral Commission and Domitille Mukantanganzwa who was suspended on grounds of indiscipline.

Henriette Umulisa was elected deputy auditor, replacing Henry Gaperi, who was also suspended for indiscipline.
RPF, Vice Chairman, Christophe Bazivamo presented a report on the August Presidential Elections, while Finance Minister, John Rwangombwa, presented a Human Development Index (HDI) highlighting the progress, the challenges and the way forward.

The Party, at the end of the congress, resolved to focus on setting up the 12 -Year Basic Education, as well as energy and infrastructure development, among other projects.

Present were representatives of all parties in the Political Parties Forum, as well as members of the Rwandan Diaspora.
