Ecobank’s custom services great

Editor, As the year 2010 draws to a close, please allow me to share with you and your esteemed readers, the outstanding customer service I experienced at Ecobank’s Remera Branch during my visit to Kigali earlier this year. This incident has not only left a lasting impression on my mind, but also demonstrates how this  beautiful country, Rwanda, can teach the world a lesson or two on super customer service.

Monday, December 20, 2010

As the year 2010 draws to a close, please allow me to share with you and your esteemed readers, the outstanding customer service I experienced at Ecobank’s Remera Branch during my visit to Kigali earlier this year.

This incident has not only left a lasting impression on my mind, but also demonstrates how this  beautiful country, Rwanda, can teach the world a lesson or two on super customer service.

It was during my stay at the warm and friendly Chez Lando Hotel that I needed to draw cash against my International Deutsche Bank Credit Card. My visit to the many bank ATMs in close proximity to the hotel were all in vain and none of the ATMs seemed to work in my favour.

As a last resort, I went to the Ecobank ATM, but here, too, there was no success. In desperation, I went and approached Mr. Jacques Gakinahe, Branch Manager, Ecobank, Remera Branch with my predicament. 

Despite the bank being packed with customers at peak time, Jacques actually left his office and drove me in his car to the next branch of Ecobank so that I could try the ATM there. When this effort, too, proved futile, Jacques drove me back to my hotel, took out his wallet and gave me , a total stranger, the cash I needed. The next day, I was able to draw cash in downtown Kigali and not only return the money Jacques so willingly lent me, but also became a customer of Ecobank. 

Please allow me to take this opportunity of wishing Rwanda and her people the peace and joy of Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011.
Clarence Fernandes
Rwanda Renaissance