Kigali Land registration in final stages

Land registration and the issuance of land titles to plot holders in Kigali City is currently at 98%, the Director General of the National Land Centre, Emmanuel Nkurunziza announced. The exercise begun in January 2009. The National Land Centre (NLC) is spearheading the countrywide exercise to register and demarcate land, as well as electronically store all land information, using Geographic Information System by 2012.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Land registration and the issuance of land titles to plot holders in Kigali City is currently at 98%, the Director General of the National Land Centre, Emmanuel Nkurunziza announced.

The exercise begun in January 2009.
The National Land Centre (NLC) is spearheading the countrywide exercise to register and demarcate land, as well as electronically store all land information, using Geographic Information System by 2012.

According to official statistics from NLC, 41% of all land in the country has been registered and owners have been given their land titles.

In a meeting with city authorities and officials from NLC, on Friday, Nkurunziza, commended the work of field teams that collected data in Kigali City and urged them to strive to meet the programme’s objective.

"Kigali field exercise has been a success so far; after demarcating Rusororo Sector, which is the only remaining sector, then all land owners in the city will get titles and the information will be stored in the Geographic Information System,” Nkurunziza said.

He called on all city land owners who had not provided information to the field teams during the field work to do so before the project is finalized.

"In our next phase, owners who did not register and those who made errors during the registration will be given a chance to inform us so that we can make necessary corrections and update the information.” Nkuruniza added.

"After that, we will issue out definitive land titles and all land information will be entered as official national statistics; whoever will seek to change them will do so through the courts of law.”

Nkurunziza also said that the land registration process, identified abandoned land, which a commission set up by the Ministry of Local Government, will take charge of.
