Jobseeker’s diary

We have early Christmas guests including another of Jane’s friends, Grace. She came along with her two children and they will all be staying long after the holidays. Not bad, especially because Grace doesn’t really scrounge. She brought along a number of supplies and has been contributing regularly to expenses.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We have early Christmas guests including another of Jane’s friends, Grace. She came along with her two children and they will all be staying long after the holidays.

Not bad, especially because Grace doesn’t really scrounge. She brought along a number of supplies and has been contributing regularly to expenses. I like people like that.

Grown people who are not in for a free ride and are responsible enough to pay their way, so to speak.
You don’t come off as a burden to your host as some people tend to do when they visit. At least we don’t have to worry about what Grace and the children will eat or other necessities getting used up. But like most good things, Grace too has her issues.

Like the fact that she’s really untidy and never puts things in their right place after using them. She’s also talkative and loud. You know those people who talk and talk and talk some more even when you evidently look bored or tired.

She gets calls late at night and speaks on top of her voice. The low call rates offered by most Telecom companies must be to blame. You are rudely awakened from sleep by Grace’s chatter and laughter and then realize it is 3a.m.! After a long day, I just want a peaceful and quiet environment to rest, something I rarely get these days.

Sometimes I wonder if she forgets she’s not in her house. It’s not my house too and I’m not perfect either but generally, I try not to annoy people, especially those I live with. I don’t see Grace attempting to do the same.

My other complaint is that she’s an early bird and when she gets up, we all do because the woman simply can’t leave us alone or do whatever she wants to do quietly. She will find something to ask each one of us. Where’s the soap, knife, this or the other. A couple of times, I pretended I was deep asleep and she had the nerve to nudge me.

I was so angry but said nothing out of respect for the "visitor”. If she were getting up that early to get ready for work, I would understand but she’s on leave so I don’t know why she doesn’t enjoy her sleep.

What some of us would give to catch that much-needed sleep once in a while, but well, that’s Grace for you. Despite being tight friends, Jane also hates this side of Grace. We gossiped about it on our way to work yesterday and she confessed it irritates her as well but she doesn’t have the courage to ask Grace to change.

Perhaps one other thing I like about Grace is her openness and embracing nature. She told me I can stay at her house starting next year if I wish. Her children attend boarding school and so there will be plenty of room at her place, she said.

Her offer is tempting, especially because I would love to escape the overcrowded house I call home but also because Grace’s house is closer to my workplace compared to where I live at the moment.

If I do decide to go and stay with her, I would save on transport and on those occasions when I’m too broke to afford a motor ride, it will be a lot easier to walk because the journey would certainly be shorter. Now I’m really tempted by the offer.

To be continued…