Neighbour Diaries: My new home!

I moved last week. I moved to a new place.  My old place had become too dangerously uninhabitable that I was caught between two options; move or be killed. I chose the safer option. Like I told you before, I am a coward. That Friday night still gives me the chills when I think about it.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I moved last week. I moved to a new place.  My old place had become too dangerously uninhabitable that I was caught between two options; move or be killed. I chose the safer option. Like I told you before, I am a coward.

That Friday night still gives me the chills when I think about it.   I was seated in my flat, watching a movie, quietly minding my own business and trying to ignore the shouts coming from my neighbours. Michael was beating up Dina again, but I had grown accustomed to that. It no longer bothered me since, obviously, Dina herself didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

Suddenly, the door banged open, and Dina came running in. And behind her I heard Michael coming after her. I continued sitting, only irritated that these people had extended their conflicts into my territory.

She ran in and quickly closed the door behind her. Michael came shouting, found a closed door and started pounding on it. He told her to get out before he broke the door and came in to get her. She refused. Then he started banging on the door.  He had certainly decided to carry out his threat of breaking down the door. 

He went back to his flat, and came back with something heavy. He hit the door so hard, one hinge loosened! That man was really mad. I could no longer ignore this war taking place just a few feet from me. I walked over to the door, and told Dina to step aside because I wanted to open for Michael. She refused, crying that he was going to kill someone. But it was pointless keeping him locked out, because very soon he was going to break the door and come in anyway.

She was scared, but I was terrified! That guy was insane! He hit the door again, and the second hinge came loose. Them with a huge crush, he broke the door, and came into the flat. I decided to step aside and let these two finish their business.

I only hoped that he would take her back to their flat and continue their war from there. But to my surprise, Michael came for me, instead of going to Dina! He attacked me, and he was still holding the iron bar he had used to break down the door. 

I was trapped! Dina made her escape and I heard her running down the stairs! Now I was really scared, but I also wondered what this guy wanted from me. I hadn’t talked to his woman in ages, and I had nothing to do with whatever had caused them to fight.

I tried bargaining with the guy, but he wasn’t listening. He swung the iron bar, and I bent to dodge it. It narrowly missed my head. If it had hit me, I would be a dead man. He swung again, and hit my on the arm. It hurt like fire. He came closer and swung again. This time, I knew I was done for real. But then, suddenly there were people running into the flat, restraining Michael and taking the iron bar from him. I didn’t come from the corner till I was certain they had him pinned to the floor.

In relief I looked around and recognized neighbours, some o them who stayed on my floor. Dina had gone for help, when I thought she had fled to save herself! Michael continued shouting that he would get me; he would get me for messing with his woman.  And looking at him, I knew he wasn’t lying; he intended to carry out this threat.

Considering what he had done to my strong door, I would be like paper when he came for me. And that time, I might not be so lucky; the neighbours might not be there, or might not come in time. I decided to move that night. Dina, Jasmine, Daisy..... I had to move on.

So as I lay in my bed, in my new place, hearing people walking around my flat I was not really feeling safe. See, I was too broke to afford moving to a good place. And anyway the only place I could get at such short notice and with such little money was a slum. Life was not good!
