Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I have been married to my wife for the last 36 years and we have been blessed with nine children. All are independent except one who is still living with us at home.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I have been married to my wife for the last 36 years and we have been blessed with nine children. All are independent except one who is still living with us at home.

When I met my wife she was a house help in a friend’s house and I took a liking for her the first day I met her and we married six months later despite harsh warnings from my family members.

36 years down the line history has repeated itself and my eldest son has fallen in love with his house help and wants to marry her, but my wife would hear none of it.

I have seen this girl, she is very decent and beautiful. Even when my wife is saying she is a low class, at least this girl managed to get a high school diploma, which means that she can very well continue with her studies once she has settled with my son who is willing to sponsor her education.

We are having a very big fight because my son has already fixed the wedding date yet his mother is swearing not to attend.

What do I do when am in this kind of a situation, my wife has forgotten that 36 years ago she was in the exact position and circumstances.

Dear Gad,

Human beings tend to forget very fast. Your wife now thinks she as climbed up the ladder and everybody else is trash. In fact in this kind of a situation there is nothing much to discuss with her.

Just take her back the memory lane so that she can re-live her past and let her son marry the woman he loves.

Most of us parents make mistakes thinking that we always know what is best for our children, when sometimes it is not the case.

What makes her think this girl is not the right woman for her when she was a house help herself and was the right woman for you?

Sometimes it is good to give someone the benefit of doubt and let them prove themselves otherwise.

Go ahead with the plans and set the wedding date. If she has decided not to be part of it, so be it. In the meantime pass my felicitations to your son.
