Business Perspective: Corporate gifts for your clients during this festive season

Companies are now busy closing their business year, balancing the ledgers and trying to see whether they made a step forward or back.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Corporate festive gifts

Companies are now busy closing their business year, balancing the ledgers and trying to see whether they made a step forward or back.

While others are busy in their ledger books, some companies have finished doing all these and are now focused on how to best give a vote of thanks to clients who have stood by them throughout the year.

I, on the other hand, have spent sleepless nights working on hand-made Christmas cards for my clients who have been there for me throughout the year.

Each company runs by their policy, while some companies can afford to give gift hampers to their clients, others like mine can at least make an effort to show the appreciation even by just sending the Christmas cards.

Whether it’s to enforce your brand or improve your reputation, corporate gifts play an important role in sending out the right message and are an important marketing tool for the company as well.

Companies should never underestimate the reach that a Christmas gift can have in the business world.

Quite often the world of business can be a sterile one where most of your contact with others is through email or, if you are lucky, the phone, where you can at least hear the person’s voice.

While this mode of communication may be more efficient and speedy, it can leave you feeling one step removed from the people you are working with.

Giving Christmas corporate gifts to regular customers is a vital way of showing your gratitude for their business and is an essential way of building and maintaining a strong working relationship.
It is an important way of showing a client that their business is valued and can encourage them to stay with a particular company rather than take their business elsewhere.

It is also important from a marketing perspective. Branded corporate gifts can provide you with a chance of getting your logo seen by your customer on a regular basis, providing a strong reminder of your presence.

Desk items and calendars are particularly effective at this as it provides your brand with greater visibility, being placed in a prominent position and providing a permanent reminder of your brand.

It isn’t just existing customers who should be receiving these types of gifts.
Occasional customers and strong prospects should also be targeted in this way as Christmas gifts provide a strong opportunity to get your brand seen in a unique way.

The positive feeling of receiving a gift is the same whether you are at work or at home, so it provides a very effective way of starting a business relationship.

In today’s business world, making an impression can be a tricky thing. With more and more businesses vying for a piece of an even smaller pie, competition can be fierce.

So fierce, in fact, that companies can’t forget that in order to truly succeed, you sometimes need the support of other companies and even competitors.

With companies needing to create and maintain strong work connections to stay ahead of the game, giving Christmas gifts this festive season can help to solidify business relationships in a more personal way than a simple thank you email or note.

Giving great Christmas gifts to your clients requires a lot of effort and creativity. If you wait until the last minute your customers, clients, and prospects won’t think you care for them like you should.

The life blood of your business deserves something as great as them-selves so be creative. Start looking now for your business holiday gift ideas before it is too late to send one, to that one king who made your company be where it is now; that is your client.
