Perfect weekend… Zaina Uwimbabazi

Zaina Uwimbabazi is a model and music artiste. She says that although aiming high in education takes most of her time, she also concentrates on her modelling and music.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Zaina Uwimbabazi

Zaina Uwimbabazi is a model and music artiste. She says that although aiming high in education takes most of her time, she also concentrates on her modelling and music.

One wonders if Uwimbabazi enjoys the weekend like any other person. Below, she responds;

The weekend starts on Saturday at around 10a.m, after I have completed some duties at home.  It’s then that I call my friends (that is if they do not call me before), to make plans for the evening.

When we agree on where, immediately after lunch, we meet. However, most of the time my friends decide on Simba super market as the starting point.

I never miss coffee and Ice cream. After relaxing, I make sure I order something else. As we discuss on our next move, we also spend some time discussing on our challenges either at school or even in the music industry.

If we happen to go out, we make our plans a bit earlier; this also helps us to get back home on time. And the place is One Love where we enjoy the music and drinks.

I enjoy meat, chips and even some African food including cassava and beans.

On Sunday, I keep myself busy at home although I make it a point to visit and discuss with my colleagues who stay near home.

However, by 8p.m, I am home have supper at 9 and get to bed at around 10. That’s what makes my weekend perfect.

Photo. G. Mugoya