The Hater: I hate people who…

…mistake customers for visitors. I always hear people talking about the problem of customer care but now I am just going to join them in hating people who do not understand this concept. I really hate people who work in places like banks and restaurants but waste a lot of time serving just one client.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

…mistake customers for visitors.
I always hear people talking about the problem of customer care but now I am just going to join them in hating people who do not understand this concept. I really hate people who work in places like banks and restaurants but waste a lot of time serving just one client.

These people end up making us waste our valuable time in the bank yet some of us have better things to do, like hating.

The other day I spent more than an hour in Banque Populaire and later spent about 50 minutes in Bank of Kigali. At the end of the day I was hungry, tired, broke and angry. I thought I had gone to the bank for a service not to spend time in your old sofas. 

…indulge in lousy family talk while at work.
This habit makes me so sick I sometimes feel like vomiting on the people doing it. Do you know how annoying it is when you are standing in the bank waiting to be served yet the bank official is busy conversing with another customer about things back home or lousy talk about their school days.

Do these people know that we the customers are the reason they have a job? Why don’t they just resign and simply do this lousy talking at home? How did such fools get into these jobs in the first place? I have to see their bosses next time.

…mistake weight gain for being wealthy.
Ignorance is a very bad thing because of all diseases it is the most difficult to hide. Of course I hate ignorant people. Even the government has plans to get rid of them in order for Rwanda to develop.

However I hate more those who think that weight gain is a sign of being wealthy.

This is the epitome of ignorance. They get excited when they see a friend who has gained weight. They quickly congratulate such a person and even ask him for money.

Some of us, like me, have a lot of money but we do not have to gain weight because we feed well and even work out. By the way elephants are not the healthiest or wealthiest if you ask me. 

…doubt each time a girl tells them her age.
 It is believed by many people that when a girl tells you her age, you are supposed to add four more years to get the right age. I am not so sure about this but what I am sure of is that I hate these people.

Why should you doubt yet you are not the mother of the girl? And why would you be so concerned with her age in the first place. Whether she is telling the truth or not, that is not my business for I know that one day it will be impossible for her to edit her age.

Yes, that time when your teeth start falling out and your knees are too weak to support you then you know age has caught up with you. I actually don’t even know my own age!

…keep talking about things that are already history.
I wonder why people who have nothing to talk about never bother to consult me or to simply stay silent. Don’t you get bored when you find people still talking about past events like they just happened this morning?

As The Hater, I hereby declare my hatred for people who are still talking about Tusker Project Fame, Real Madrid versus FC Barcelona or even Manchester United versus Arsenal FC.

Don’t these people watch news? That talk is really history and we have heard it all. If you have nothing to talk about may be you can talk about me but make sure I do not hear you because you will be in more trouble.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293