Imbuto Foundation youth forum good news

Editor, I write in reference to your article in  your Friday edition titled “Imbuto Foundation hosts youth forum”. Please allow me to wish the Imbuto Foundation and the 300 young Rwandans who will be participating in the two day forum every success.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Youth at one of Imbuto Foundation Forums(File Photo)


I write in reference to your article in  your Friday edition titled "Imbuto Foundation hosts youth forum”. Please allow me to wish the Imbuto Foundation and the 300 young Rwandans who will be participating in the two day forum every success.

The future of any nation lies in the hands of the youth and initiatives such as this will definitely ensure continued economic growth and development and a brighter future for the youth of this great nation, Rwanda - the land of a thousand hills and of a million smiles!

That two-day workshop mainly focuses on the role of young people in nation-building and restoring hope among the youths who were adversely affected by tragic events in our history is timely and must be supported by all Rwandans. I wish also to move a vote of thanks to the First Lady Jeannette Kagame, the founding president of Imbuto Foundation.

Clarence Fernandes
ChairmanRwanda Renaissance