Youth must be supported

Editor, Young people need to be motivated, inspired and be encouraged, so that they achieve their expectations to make the world an inclusive and sustainable place for themselves and future generations.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Young people need to be motivated, inspired and be encouraged, so that they achieve their expectations to make the world an inclusive and sustainable place for themselves and future generations.

The question, however, has always been how do you encourage young people to do their best? It’s imperative to always create an environment conducive for their leadership and ensure that they can safely experiment and succeed in developing stronger skills and confidence.

Age does not translated into superiority; passion and love put everyone on an equal playing field. Therefore, secondary schools, higher institution of learning, ministries, the media, NGOs and other institutions, as well as the communities are charged with the responsibility of helping the youth to explore opportunities within and outside school.

Augustine Rwabukayire