Beer prices go up

Consumers of Mutzig, Amstel and Guiness are going to have to start digging deeper into their pockets as factory prices of these beer brands have significantly been increased, on average by Frw100.

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Empty crates. (File photo)

Consumers of Mutzig, Amstel and Guiness are going to have to start digging deeper into their pockets as factory prices of these beer brands have significantly been increased, on average by Frw100.

Rwanda Breweries and Soft Drink Manufacturer (Bralirwa) says it has been forced to increase prices in part due to the soaring prices of raw materials, some of which are imported.

A statement from Bralirwa says prices of malt grain, the major ingredient for brewing beer, has increased significantly on the world market.

However, by press time Bralirwa could not disclose the current prices and volumes of the malt it imports. The company also says high costs of petrol and transport have increased thereby pushing up operating costs.

According to the statement, costs of other raw materials like sugar and hops – used primarily as a flavouring and stabilizing agent in beer – are also high.

In addition, high prices for maize and other cereals in combination with limited supplies have contributed to the increase of beer prices.

However, prices of Primus, Heineken and soft drinks have not changed – something Bralirwa says, ‘is for the affordability and accessibility for the Rwandan consumers’.
