Gov’t, partners sign environmental memo

KIGALI - The Government of Rwanda and Development Partners, yesterday, signed the Environment and Natural Resources Sector (ENR) Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Kigali.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Ministers John Rwangombwa of Finance and Stanislas Kamanzi of Lands and Environment sign MOU with Development Partners (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - The Government of Rwanda and Development Partners, yesterday, signed the Environment and Natural Resources Sector (ENR) Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Kigali.

The MOU aims at implementing programmes under the national environment and natural resources sector strategic plan.

The government was represented by the Ministry of Environment and Lands, the Ministry of Forestry and Mines and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, while development partners included Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), European Union (EU), DFID and ‘One UN System’.

The Minister of Lands and Environment, Stanisilas Kamanzi, said: "The adoption of the SWAp by the Government and its Development Partners reflects the desire to ensure that all resources, whether domestically or externally, are utilized in a manner that is coherent with the objectives set out in the relevant vision, policy and strategy documents.”

"By signing this MOU, we agree on what needs to be done, how it will be achieved and how progress will be measured,” he noted.

According to Dr Rose Mukankomeje, the Director General of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), to achieve environmental protection requires strong partnership between different stakeholders, including government and development partners.

Richard Bomboma, the Country Director of SIDA and the Co-chair of the sector working group for the ENR, who spoke on behalf of the development partners stressed that, they are convinced that the partnership will make a valuable contribution to the country’s sustainable development.

The MOU will end after three years unless unanimously extended by all signatories.
