Kicukiro District inaugurates 9-YBE Phase II classrooms

KIGALI - Kicukiro district has for the second year running, been the first to inaugurate the Nine Year Basic Education (9-YBE) classrooms. The classrooms that were built in a record time of two months were officially inaugurated, yesterday, in five sectors in the district.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
State Minister Dr Mathias Harebamungu joins Kicukiro leaders in celebrations at the launch of 9YBE classrooms yesterday (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - Kicukiro district has for the second year running, been the first to inaugurate the Nine Year Basic Education (9-YBE) classrooms.

The classrooms that were built in a record time of two months were officially inaugurated, yesterday, in five sectors in the district. Kicukiro also became the first to unveil the classrooms for the 2011 academic year.

The classrooms have been fully furnished  and are ready for the beginning of the 2011 academic year that starts early next year.

A countrywide campaign to build 9-YBE classrooms is ongoing, with a target of 2, 778 classrooms and 5, 883 restrooms planned to be constructed in this second phase, to cater for the second promotion of 9-YBE students.
For the first intake, 3, 171 classrooms and over 10, 000 restrooms were constructed last year

According to the Mayor of Kicukiro District, Paul Jules Ndamage, the district, has, for the last two months, been tirelessly constructing 80 classrooms and 200 restrooms.
Ndamage attributed the success to the collective efforts of various well wishers. 

"I would like to thank the army and the national police for the part they played in this whole exercise,” said the mayor adding that they are ones who made all the bricks that were used in building the classrooms with help from the general public.

Kicukiro district scored highest, with a completion rate stands of 82 percent. Ruhango is last with 60 percent. The overall average completion rate for the country stands at 73 percent.

Speaking at the launch, the State Minister for primary and secondary education, Dr. Mathias Harebamungu, said that the success of the programme was a clear sign that Rwanda is capable of developing itself.
