Hybrid cows should go beyond Kirehe District

Editor, The donation of 333 Friesian cows worth over Rwf200 million to needy people in Kirehe District by Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project is surely a positive call to help fight poverty and transform the lives of beneficiaries.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The donation of 333 Friesian cows worth over Rwf200 million to needy people in Kirehe District by Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project is surely a positive call to help fight poverty and transform the lives of beneficiaries.

I believe the donation is in line with the country’s long term strategy to transform from subsistence to commercial agriculture in a bid to meet vision 2020.

Most African countries largely rely on rudimentary methods of farming and the yields are always minimal. Majority cannot afford milk yet it is considered a complete food to our bodies.

One Cow Per family program has been productive and people’s lives have changed for the better. However, district authorities and other development partners have the duty to  sensitize the population on modern farming.

Other development partners should also take a leaf from Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project.

Jolly Kalisa