Philosophers’ body established

MUHANGA – Rwandan ‘thinkers’ have agreed to establish a philosophers’ association to enhance their participation in the country’s socio-economic and political processes as well as regional integration.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

MUHANGA – Rwandan ‘thinkers’ have agreed to establish a philosophers’ association to enhance their participation in the country’s socio-economic and political processes as well as regional integration.

The decision was taken, last Friday, by philosophers and students of philosophy, who attended the national event to mark the World Philosophy Day at Kabgayi Philosophy Seminary, Muhanga District.

The participants, who talked of the importance of ‘Rwandan philosophy’ in regional integration processes, decided that the newly proposed body will be named ‘Rwanda Philosophy Association (RPA).

The Day was marked under the theme ‘Rwanda faced with challenges of Regional Integration’.

Rev. Dr Alphonse Rutaganda, a philosopher, said: "Rwanda has a philosophy which can be very useful to the region, and we need to promote its application for regional development.”

"Rwandans have a history of progress and belief in expansion to other regions, a zeal for unity and peace, and working towards economic prosperity. This experience needs to be shared within the region; our people, too, have alot to learn from their counterparts in the region,” he said.

Participants suggested that the association should put in place a new mechanism of disseminating the use and love of philosophical studies for the transformation of society.
Callixte Kayisire, an official in the Ministry of Education, asked the Catholic Church to help extend the philosophical knowledge and skills to the community.

He also called for reinstatement of the faculty of Philosophy at the National University of Rwanda (NUR). "The values of philosophy are significant to socio-economic and political growth of society.”

Kabgayi Diocese Bishop Smargade Mbonyintege, said that, if the Church was able to contribute towards contribute society progress in many aspects, then it can also promote philosophical education in communities.
