Singaporeans explore business opportunities

KIGALI - A visiting delegation of Singapore Business Federation (SFB) has expressed keen interest in investing in Rwanda. The Singaporean investors are part of a 17-member team, led by the Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Zainul Abidin Rasheed, which, Friday, held discussions with the Private Sector Federation (PSF) officials, who showcased the different investment opportunities available in the country.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

KIGALI - A visiting delegation of Singapore Business Federation (SFB) has expressed keen interest in investing in Rwanda.

The Singaporean investors are part of a 17-member team, led by the Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Zainul Abidin Rasheed, which, Friday, held discussions with the Private Sector Federation (PSF) officials, who showcased the different investment opportunities available in the country.

Addressing reporters shortly after the meeting, Christina Tan, the deputy mission leader, said that the Singaporean investors have already expressed interest in starting businesses in Rwanda, adding that two companies have already registered with Rwanda Development Board (RDB).

"Business people in Singapore want to come and invest their money in East Africa. We find Rwanda highly impressive,” Tan said "Rwanda, to us, is very fantastic in terms of infrastructure, governance and policy. Among those interested to invest here include a consumer goods distribution company, and another which produces cement.
Sources say Singaporean business community is particularly interested in the country’s cement production, manufacturing, textiles, agro-processing, and energy generation, particularly methane gas.

.PSF CEO, Roger Munyampenda, said many of the visiting business leaders have promised to return soon for investment purposes, and to encourage their colleagues back home to do the same.

"This visit follows up a number of other meetings and visits by the President and other government officials to Singapore,” said Munyampenda. "This group held preliminary discussions with different people involved in energy and manufacturing sectors. Some of them will be coming back in January and February to finalise talks... and many more teams will be coming too.”
