Burkina Faso celebrates 50th anniversary

BURKINA FASO - President Paul Kagame was, yesterday, among the heads of state who attended celebrations to mark 50 years of independence of Burkina Faso. Other Presidents included, Togo, Mauritania, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville, Benin, Senegal, Mali, Chad, Gabon, Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
President Paul Kagame and his Burkina Faso counterpart, Blaise Compaore, at the celebrations, yesterday. (Photo; Urugwiro Village)

BURKINA FASO - President Paul Kagame was, yesterday, among the heads of state who attended celebrations to mark 50 years of independence of Burkina Faso.

Other Presidents included, Togo, Mauritania, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville, Benin, Senegal, Mali, Chad, Gabon, Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea.

The Celebrations were held in Burkina Faso’s second largest city, Bobo Dioulasso, under the theme "50 years of construction of a nation: souvenirs and hope”.

According to Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister, Tertius Zongo, the theme of the celebrations was chosen to signify a nation that reflect on its past to build an even brighter future.

Over 5000 people lined the streets of the Boulevard de la Revolution where the ceremony took place. The event began with the singing of the Burkina national anthem and the release of 20 white doves to symbolize peace.

This was then followed by a colourful civilian and grand military parade that lasted an hour. The civilian parade comprised schools, government institutions, cooperatives, telecommunications companies, leisure clubs and foreign communities in the country.

In his address, President Compaore said that the 50th anniversary was a unique opportunity for the country and its people to look back at the socio-political and economic development the nation has made, over the last five decades, be proud and also learn.

He added that it was a moment to commemorate the triumph of the spirit of the people of Burkina Faso.
President Compaore noted that Burkina Faso intends to pay homage to its sons and daughters who fought for the reconstruction of the land, the emancipation of the people and its identity.
