Ngororero, Gicumbi districts strengthen economic ties

GICUMBI - Ngororero and Gicumbi district officials have agreed to foster a strong economic cooperation in order to uplift the well being of their respective residents.This followed a tour by Ngororero officials, who visited various development activities in Gicumbi. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Mayor Nyangezi adressing Ngororero District visiting officials on Friday. Photo A.Gahene

GICUMBI - Ngororero and Gicumbi district officials have agreed to foster a strong economic cooperation in order to uplift the well being of their respective residents.
This followed a tour by Ngororero officials, who visited various development activities in Gicumbi. 

Yesterday, the Ngororero delegation toured Rushaki, Shangasha, Kaniga and Rubaya sectors, where they visited bee keeping cooperative societies, agriculture and livestock progressive farmers and terracing along hill tops. 

"We are here to borrow a leaf from their Gicumbi counterparts in regard to bee farming projects, terracing techniques, land consolidation and livestock farming among others,” Ngororero District Mayor, Gideon Ruboneza said during a joint meeting at the district hall. 

Ruboneza further said that his district shares a similar climate with Gicumbi, suitable for crop production. 
"The northern part of Ngororero favors the growth of wheat, irish potatoes and fruits, whereas the southern part favors the growth of maize, cassava and beans,” he said.

"Gicumbi climate is also suitable for the same crops, which is why we have to work in close cooperation to develop our districts.”

Gicumbi Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi, advised Ngororero officials to put much effort in sensitizing their residents to engage in bee farming and the rearing of rabbits, saying they generate quick income. 

The visiting delegation comprising of 49 officials included the district administrative committee, district and sector agronomists, representatives of sector cooperative societies and sector veterinary officers. 

The study tour was sponsored by Decentralization and Community Development project (DCDP), under the Ministry of Local Government.
