Business Perspective: Rewarding employees during the festive season

Sometime two years ago I watched Oprah Winfrey take all her employees for a Christmas holiday together with their immediate families!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sometime two years ago I watched Oprah Winfrey take all her employees for a Christmas holiday together with their immediate families!

She had to hire a few planes and an entire resort hotel just so that they could all fit in one hotel! What a Christmas gift, the employees were so happy. No company ever runs without employees.

These are people who are entrusted in running the company whether the business owner is there or not. In fact many big companies are run by the employees; rarely do the owners make an appearance. The spirit of the season often inspires employers to show their goodwill and appreciation to loyal staff with a suitable gift or gesture no matter how small, of course not everyone can afford what Oprah could for her employees.

However, businesses that have cut corners all year long may hesitate to continue their giving traditions this year because of harsh economic times that we are all going through but a small token of appreciation shows thoughtfulness and consideration; it also boosts morale.

Here are some easy gift ideas that spread holiday cheer without affecting cash flow in business:

Paid time off: 

Additional vacation time, especially during the holidays, is a great way to show your employees that you value them. Giving the employees some time off in turns to run their errands during the festive season for their family members shows that you care about them.

Early holidays: 

Productivity tends to be low the day before a holiday, so consider sending employees home early on key dates like the Christmas Eve, and the last business day of the year. If you can’t close the entire office early, consider sending everyone home except the most essential personnel, who can be rewarded with paid time off at a later date.

Gift cards: 

Regardless of the amount, a gift card to a store you know an employee frequents lets him or her know that you genuinely care about giving just the right gift. Since gift cards have been the most popular holiday gift for five years running, your employees are sure to enjoy them.

Charitable donations: 

Focusing on a charity that a group of employees embrace and recognizing their commitment to the cause with a donation in their names also demonstrates empathy.

Shopping vouchers: 

Shopping vouchers really do come in handy during this time of the year. I was very lucky to have wonderful bosses at the time when i was employed, who one time of a year they decided to give us shopping vouchers as way to say thank you, and all the employees were ecstatic about it, and such a gesture goes a long way.

Group recognitions: 

Pick up take-out food for the employees, put on festive music, and allow employees to leave after lunch.
No matter how you recognize employees this season, try to be personal and sincere. You’ll get more than you give with improved employee morale and engagement.
