A day in the life… Alphonse Nizeyimana

Alphonse Nizeyimana is the vice Mayor in charge of finance and economic development in Kigali City. Below he tells how he goes on with his typical working day;

Friday, December 10, 2010
Alphonse Nizeyimana

Alphonse Nizeyimana is the vice Mayor in charge of finance and economic development in Kigali City. Below he tells how he goes on with his typical working day;

I wake up at 5:30 am, refresh myself and have breakfast. I then prepare to get to my workplace. By 7, I am in office. I go take a look at the day’s programme to find out what is so urgent.

This is also the time I assign my staff. Although I am engaged in various duties each day, I am always involved in various coordination meetings. This helps in dealing with cases that may be affecting the smooth operation of the members.

I also visit various places where development activities are taking place within the city as well as meeting vice Mayors of the three districts making up the city. This enables me to handle and monitor activities.

After lunch, I get to office work. It is the time when I concentrate on some tasks which come in when I am in the field. I work until 6:30 p.m and get home at 7. I spend some time interacting with my family so as to hear from each of the members.

I have supper at 9 and get to bed by 10 p.m

 Photo G. Mugoya