Traffic lights should be repaired

  Dear Editor, Perhaps I’m not well informed about traffic laws but I have on several occasions witnessed how traffic lights partly contribute to traffic jam during rush hours on some roads. For instance, at the Remera and Gisushu junctions, sometimes two opposite lanes of vehicles are signaled to go at the same time.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dear Editor,

Perhaps I’m not well informed about traffic laws but I have on several occasions witnessed how traffic lights partly contribute to traffic jam during rush hours on some roads. For instance, at the Remera and Gisushu junctions, sometimes two opposite lanes of vehicles are signaled to go at the same time.

This means that one lane has to sacrifice and stop (contrary to the traffic lights) so that the other lane has free flow of traffic to avoid chaos.

In the near future when the number of cars in Kigali City grows, many drivers will have problems with traffic if nothing is done to rectify the situation. I request that traffic police look into the issue and act