The Hater: I hate people who…

…make wedding plans depending on their friends. If you are ‘unlucky’ enough to own a mobile phone and some adult friends then you have certainly received those messages inviting you for someone’s wedding meeting.

Friday, December 10, 2010

…make wedding plans depending on their friends.

If you are ‘unlucky’ enough to own a mobile phone and some adult friends then you have certainly received those messages inviting you for someone’s wedding meeting.

I hate these people for wasting my time calling me for the fundraising meeting instead of the wedding. Contributing to your wedding is like buying shares in Bralirwa.

Does this mean I will get to enjoy your wife in future? If the answer is no then you have no right basing your wedding plans on me. I may help if I want to but I am not obliged to. Please, stop asking me why I did not attend the last meeting. Well, I was busy looking for my own Mrs. Hater! 

…listen to music while attending to customers.

This hate vibe is strictly for those arrogant receptionists who attend to clients while at the same time listening to music with earphones. I know you have a boring job, and a cheap phone that allows you to store some MP3 music.

But you have a job to do and so I am tired of you begging my pardon because you are listening to me and music by Kitoko at the same time. Such ignorant people should not even be allowed to attend customer care training.

I should just be allowed to slap them hard without having to apologise.

…turn offices into family spaces.

Unless your office is at home just like mine then you could fall in this category of people. People who bring their stubborn kids to work just make me so mad.

This is an office not a day care centre. It gets worse when your hungry kid starts pulling and eating vital documents.
The fact that you are allowed to visit your child at school does not mean the child should return the favour. We are tired of hearing your child crying for toys, milk and biscuits.

Bosses, please, fire such people because hating them is just not enough. And if it’s the boss doing it then I pray that your kid chokes on a paper clip!

…continue to Facebook when their friends visit them.

 I wonder why some people have never thought about taking their parents to court for not teaching them proper manners. Some people don’t know how to entertain their guests.

I just hate the ones who even have the disgusting habit of wasting time on Facebook with their phones yet their friends have visited them.

You have real friends before you but you decide to spend time looking at other people’s Facebook profiles.

I think it is time that mobile phone companies started charging more for people to access the number one time wasting site that is Facebook.

…make me lose focus with their beauty!

Yes, I know you may think it is impossible for The Hater to hate beautiful girls. But I do hate some of them. And here is why.

Sometimes when I am trying to cross the busy Kigali streets especially around Rubangura’s area, a very beautiful girl will pass in front of me and cause me to lose focus.

This puts my life at risk as I sometimes find myself crossing the road while looking at the girl instead of the car. I know Kigali has very many beautiful girls but they should know that The Hater is single (girls think I cannot love) and keep their distance. In case I am knocked dead by a car who will take on this difficult job of hating?   

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293