Where is true democracy in Africa?

Dear Editor, The raging post-election violence in Kenya, sparked by a rigged election, has once again put Africa in the spotlight. The once stable country has in just a twinkle of an eye burst into flames of ethnic-inspired violence resulting in wanton loss of lives and destruction of property.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dear Editor,n The raging post-election violence in Kenya, sparked by a rigged election, has once again put Africa in the spotlight. The once stable country has in just a twinkle of an eye burst into flames of ethnic-inspired violence resulting in wanton loss of lives and destruction of property.

Just like Kenya, the colonial system of divide and rule that was used in Rwanda sowed seeds of hatred.

The different ethnic groups started viewing themselves as superior over the other and therefore deserving privileges. The situation was even made worse by the propaganda of ethnic cleansing

Unfortunately, the sad political events in Kenya are likely to impact strongly on Africa’s future.

This is because African leaders always rush to organise presidential elections but they are never prepared to honour the election results when they are defeated.

For instance, when Kibaki realised that Raila had defeated him at the polls, he immediately rushed to swear himself President of Kenya.

No doubt, the violence in Kenya portends no good for Africa.
