British Council teaches RDF Military lingo

A total of 61 Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF), yesterday, completed a one-month course in military English lessons, conducted by the British Council, at the Rwanda Military Academy Gako, in Eastern Province.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Michael Bibby British council Manager Programmes Rwanda handiing over the certificate to one of the RDF officers yesterday (Courtesy Photo)

A total of 61 Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF), yesterday, completed a one-month course in military English lessons, conducted by the British Council, at the Rwanda Military Academy Gako, in Eastern Province.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Michael Bibby, the British Council Programme Manager, said that the training was in recognition of RDF’s role in peace keeping missions. 
"The Government of United Kingdom and the ministry of defence value the role you play in contributing to peace keeping in Darfur,” he said

The training was funded by UK’s Ministry of Defence.
He hailed the officers for committing themselves by studying the language during the term of the course.
Col. Alloys Muganga, the Commandant of the academy, encouraged the soldiers to use the language while on their missions.

"Let me hope you have attained the best English language speaking skills and will be able to communicate and give speeches,” he told the soldiers.

Col. Alloys Muganga advised the soldiers to keep practicing the language by reading English books to compliment what they learnt.

Capt. Ignance Mugabo, one of the officers who completed the course, said that with the training, he is able to express himself in English with little difficulty.
