A corruption-free society is achievable - Ombudsman

GISAGARA - Ombudsman, Tito Rutaremera has said that Rwanda is moving progressively in its fight against corruption, saying that the target of making the country corruption - free is achievable.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Ombdsman Tito Rutaremara believes corruption my be history in the country (File Photo)

GISAGARA - Ombudsman, Tito Rutaremera has said that Rwanda is moving progressively in its fight against corruption, saying that the target of making the country corruption - free is achievable.

The Ombudsman made remarks, on Monday, during a ceremony to launch the anti-corruption week, in Gisagara District, Southern Province.

The week will be characterized by countrywide campaigns aimed at sensitizing the citizenry on their rights to free services which they are, at times, asked to pay for.
Rutaremara said that based on the various international reports; corruption trends have gradually reduced, and are currently at a minimal level.

He attributed the receding corruption levels to the existing political will and the sensitization campaigns of the local population.

The Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, vowed to put more effort in fighting corruption amongst local leaders, by working together with citizens, whom he challenged to act as whistleblowers.

” If people provide us with the information, corruption will come to an end,” said Musoni.

Gisagara was selected to host the launch of the anti corruption week was launched, after it emerged the district with the least corruption levels.

As a way of curbing corruption in the district, the mayor, Leandre Karekezi said that they have set up committees across district called ‘Impuruza’ to act as whistleblowers.
