US embassy boosts local cooperatives

The US Embassy in Rwanda, yesterday, awarded financial assistance to 19 cooperatives from various districts across the country. The function, held at the Embassy in Kacyiru, was presided over by US Ambassador to Rwanda, Stuart Symington, who signed the 19 agreements worth $136,913 with associations and community-based groups under the auspices of the Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund and PEPFAR’s Community Grants Fund.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
US Ambassador Stuart Symington addressing the Beneficiaries. (courtesy Photo)

The US Embassy in Rwanda, yesterday, awarded financial assistance to 19 cooperatives from various districts across the country.

The function, held at the Embassy in Kacyiru, was presided over by US Ambassador to Rwanda, Stuart Symington, who signed the 19 agreements worth $136,913 with associations and community-based groups under the auspices of the Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund and PEPFAR’s Community Grants Fund.

Symington said that the objective is to support the community initiatives with small grants as a way of responding directly to requests from the Rwandan people.

"The Ambassador’s Program is designed to improve the basic economic or social conditions at the local community or village level and is a demonstration of the U.S government’s commitment towards improving the welfare of the Rwandan people,” he said.

The envoy urged the beneficiaries to strive and make their businesses grow and be ambassadors of economic and social development in their communities.

Speaking to The New Times shortly after the function, Symington said that the embassy will visit the beneficiaries to assess how they use the money.  

PEPFAR community grants programme to combat HIV/AIDS, seeks to assist communities and grass root organizations with small scale, quick impact development projects that provide care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children in the country.
