Africans dominate Mumbai Symposium

The African continent played a dominant role at the just concluded International Youth Symposium which was held in Mumbai, India. The youth symposium that was organised by Rwanda Renaissance brought together delegates from Africa, America and European countries.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The African continent played a dominant role at the just concluded International Youth Symposium which was held in Mumbai, India.

The youth symposium that was organised by Rwanda Renaissance brought together delegates from Africa, America and European countries.

Excellent presentations were made by Rwandans; Vincent Ruzibuka, Robert Clement Shema and Geoffrey Kamanzi and Adonis Tella from Benin, Mohamed Ali Belhdaj from Tunisia and Ram Hadji of Uganda.

"We are lucky to have a Government that supports us and recognises the potential youth have on the country,” said Ruzibuka the leader of the Rwanda delegation.

He added that they need to be more exposed to youth from other parts of the world to learn and share ideas and experiences with them.

"We shall work hand in hand with Rwanda Renaissance to host an International youth forum in Rwanda in 2011, so that more Rwandan youth can benefit from such an initiative,” he stressed.

Clarence Fernandes, the Chairman of Rwanda Renaissance said that he was very pleased with the response from Africa in general and from Rwanda in particular.

"We would definitely work towards holding such a forum in Kigali early next year,” Fernandes added.

The key-note address was delivered by Her Excellency, Madame Eva Drdakova, and Consul General of the Czech Republic.

Countries that participated in the forum included, Benin, Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tunisia and Uganda. Europe was represented by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Turkey. Brazil, Colombia and Canada represented America and Asia had delegates from India and Japan.
