Poem:On New Year’s Day

At the beginning of each year we always make resolutions that will be our guide for the entire year but we don’t really stick to them, this coming year make a point of living up to your resolutions.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

At the beginning of each year we always make resolutions that will be our guide for the entire year but we don’t really stick to them, this coming year make a point of living up to your resolutions.

On New Year’s Day a year ago,
I started off the year
By making resolutions
That were probably severe.

I said I’d save my money,
As this seemed so very wise.
I vowed I would improve my health.
I swore I’d exercise.

I stated I would do my homework
Every single day.
I’d brush my teeth religiously
To ward off tooth decay.

I’d eat my fruits and vegetables
and keep my bedroom clean.
I’d treat my sister kindly
Though she’s often very mean.

My resolutions lasted me
About a half a day.
I promised I would keep them
But I broke them anyway.

So now I’m fat and penniless.
My homework’s overdue.
My sister’s mad. My teeth are bad.
My room is messy too.

And yet I think I may have found
The best of all solutions,
And this coming year I’ve resolved
To stick to my resolutions.
