Red Cross volunteers donate over Rwf2.5m

KARONGI - During the international Red Cross week which ended yesterday, volunteers from Karongi district donated property worth over Rwf2.5 million. The volunteers also participated in various communal activities including, building houses for the vulnerable, cleaning and road maintenance work.

Monday, December 06, 2010

KARONGI - During the international Red Cross week which ended yesterday, volunteers from Karongi district donated property worth over Rwf2.5 million.

The volunteers also participated in various communal activities including, building houses for the vulnerable, cleaning and road maintenance work.

The property donated included food, clothes and an assortment of household items. The volunteers also visited  and fed patients at Kibuye Hospital.

"it’s sometimes impossible to get what to eat, so this donation is a major boost,” Simon Kanyandekwe, an attendant to one of the patients said.

Théophile Safari, the chairperson of the volunteers’ association in Karongi district, explained that the donations were from personal contributions of the members.

"We encourage other volunteers to join since we all aim at saving someone’s life out there,” he said.
