Uganda commends Rwanda’s electoral commission

The National Electoral Commission (NEC), has received praise from Uganda’s Electoral Commission, for successfully organising free and fair Presidential elections, in which H.E Paul Kagame was re-elected with a land slide. 

Monday, December 06, 2010
Uganda NEC boss Badru Kigundu (Photo: E. Kabeera)

The National Electoral Commission (NEC), has received praise from Uganda’s Electoral Commission, for successfully organising free and fair Presidential elections, in which H.E Paul Kagame was re-elected with a land slide. 

Uganda is set to hold presidential and parliamentary elections in February next year.

Speaking to The New Times, the Ugandan electoral commission chairman, Engineer Badru Kigundu said that NEC should serve as an example for other regional commissions.
"I did not attend personally but I sent my representative, I was there in the previous election in 2003 but it was exemplary – peaceful. Generally, the preparations impressed many people in the world,” he said.

Kigundu pointed out that the Rwanda’s Electoral commission success story shows the important role of the government.

"We give the Rwandan government credit for establishing a peaceful atmosphere under which the elections were held. The population shouldn’t be forgotten, it should be given more credited for turning up to participate in the exercise,” he added.

"We absolutely salute Rwandan people for loving their country.”
