Commitment missing to spur development

EASTERN PROVINCE   BUGESERA— Lack of commitment and self determination underlie underdevelopment in the country, the district mayor said. Rwandans need to work with commitment to qualify as ‘developmental heroes.”

Wednesday, February 06, 2008



BUGESERA Lack of commitment and self determination underlie underdevelopment in the country, the district mayor said.

Rwandans need to work with commitment to qualify as ‘developmental heroes.”

Speaking during Heroes Day celebrations last week at Kamabuye Sector play ground, Gaspard Musonera said all what is vital for holistic development is currently available including peace, security and the country’s vision.

He said commitment and self determination among citizens were the only ingredients missing to spur development and reduce the country’s reliance on donors.

"Only our commitment to what we do can improve our welfare, it’s the only way one can be competitive over others. Development is about practical things, one should engage in whatever he does with commitment and desist from working for the sake of it,” the mayor said.

 He added that if Rwanda is to get developmental heroes, people need to work hard in order to achieve that title.

"We want a time in future when we shall be remembering those people who contributed remarkably in economic terms; the way we are doing for those who sacrificed their lives to fight bad leadership.

We will not only be remembering war heroes, but we also want those who play a big role in our economic development to be remembered,” Musonera told hundreds of residents.

Musonera castigated the colonialists who encouraged ethnic divisions which bred hatred culminating into the 1994 Genocide. He however, urged Rwandans to draw lessons from the bad history and detest whoever can drag the country behind. He stressed that "whoever is not pro-development, is not with us.”

The day was punctuated by heroes’ songs, poems, dance and a march by Local defense forces, students, and workers from several organizations working in the district.

The mayor further urged residents to be keen on detractors of development. Musonera also advised Kamabuye residents to fight and ‘uproot’ genocide ideologies and ethnic divisions, if they are to ‘enjoy the fruits of economic development.’

He explained: "The problem of divisionism and genocide ideologies led to  rampant poverty and illiteracy experienced in Rwanda before the liberation war.”
