Rulindo councillors visit Nyamata Genocide site

EASTERN PROVINCE   BUGESERA — In an effort to get a clear picture of the 1994 Genocide, members of Rulindo District advisory council on Monday visited Nyamata Genocide memorial site.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008



BUGESERA — In an effort to get a clear picture of the 1994 Genocide, members of Rulindo District advisory council on Monday visited Nyamata Genocide memorial site.

 They donated Frw50,000 towards the maintenance of the site.

The President of the council, Camsia Karake said that their visit aimed at paying their respects to the innocent victims of 1994 Genocide and to comfort the survivors in the area.

"We decided to visit the site to pay our respects to our beloved and innocent brothers and sisters who perished in 1994 Genocide and to give the survivors the word of encouragement,” Karake told The New Times.

According to the site manager Andrew Kamana, Nyamata memorial site is home to over 70,000 victims of 1994 Genocide. The site is in the former Nyamata Catholic Church where over 10,000 innocent people were reportedly murdered.

Leocadia Mukanyirigira, who was also among the group said the visit would help them build a similar site to accommodate Genocide remains in their district.

"We have small and scattered sites of 1994 Genocide victims, from here we would also set up one big site for the victims in our district,” Mukanyirigira said.

Kamana explained to the visitors that Nyamata site was constructed with the help of the survivors’ efforts.

For them to set up a similar site, he advised the group to form a committee of people willing to contribute towards the construction, before they can seek assistance from their district administration.

He said Bugesera district contributed about Frw12 million towards construction of the Nyamata site.
