Treatment of Diabetes without Insulin

Insulin remains the main treatment of diabetes mellitus which is a metabolic disorder occurring due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. It is absolutely necessary for the young diabetics who are insulin dependant, i.e. their bodies do not produce any insulin. People suffering from serious diseases like kidney or heart failure, T.B., e.t.c., also have to take insulin to make sure that blood glucose levels have to be kept at optimum levels.

Sunday, December 05, 2010
Taking insulin involves pricks as it is available only in form of injection (Internet Photo)

Insulin remains the main treatment of diabetes mellitus which is a metabolic disorder occurring due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin.

It is absolutely necessary for the young diabetics who are insulin dependant, i.e. their bodies do not produce any insulin. People suffering from serious diseases like kidney or heart failure, T.B., e.t.c., also have to take insulin to make sure that blood glucose levels have to be kept at optimum levels. Similarly during a major surgery or trauma, giving insulin becomes necessary for some days.

But apart from such situations, diabetes can be controlled very well without insulin. Taking insulin involves pricks as it is available only in form of injection. It also involves additional expenditure of buying cooton, disinfectant, syringes and needles. Carrying it outside home is cumbersome. Insulin   has to be stored in a cool place, which is difficult for poor people who do not have refrigerators to keep it during hot weather.

Moreover, one has to be very particular about taking both insulin and meals very regularly at fixed times. If one takes insulin and does not take his meal at that time, there is high risk of severe hypoglycemia( blood sugar going below normal levels which can be fatal at times.

Oral anti diabetic drugs help in bringing down blood sugar levels with some flexibility in life style and meal times. Since they are available in tablet form, one need not undergo painful pricks. One can carry them conveniently to work or during travelling. Thus they ensure hassle free control of diabetes. 

Glibenclamide, glicazide, metformin, pioglitazone, e.t.c. are some of the oral drugs which are used to keep diabetes under control.  They act by different mechanisms in the body to bring down the high levels of glucose in the blood.
Oral drugs, particularly group of drugs called sulphonylureas(eg. glibenclamide, glimiperide, glicazide, e.t.c.) also have the potential to cause hypoglycemia, but it is not so acute or severe as with insulin. Metformin reduces the appetite of an individual, which is beneficial for obese people to help control their weight.

These drugs are very safe to be taken for a long time, with few adverse effects. Suitable diet is a very important measure in control of diabetes.

Taking a diabetic diet   minimizes the quantity of insulin and or other drugs taken.

A diabetic diet is the one where sugar is strictly prohibited. Drinks which contain much sugar like soda beverages and fruit juices are also prohibited.  Alcohol is very harmful for diabetic patients as it tends to raise blood sugar levels, hence should be avoided. One should also not take high calorie foods like cheese, margarine, red meat, e.t.c. as they   increase obesity. They also increase deposition of fat inside blood vessels, thus increasing risk of heart attacks.

Plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits with low sugar like apples and oranges are very useful for the diabetic individual. Studies have shown that intake of plenty of green vegetables like cabbage and spinach reduces risk of someone developing diabetes.

It is also important to take frequent small meals. A large meal taken one time puts load on the digestive system and also on available insulin in the body, thus deranging the digestion as well as glucose metabolism Apart from this, if a person does not take a proper meal for a long time, he is at risk of developing hypoglycemia.

Physical exercise is equally important in helping in good control of diabetes. In early   diabetes, adequate dietary restrictions and physical exercise itself are sufficient measures to keep diabetes well controlled, without taking any medicines. Even if somebody takes insulin or oral antidiabetic drugs, their doses can be kept to minimal with dietary restrictions and adequate exercise.

It is recommended to do exercise at least for 30minutes at least 3 times a week for good control of diabetes.

Thus one can keep diabetes very well controlled and avoid its long term complications, by diet control, physical exercise and oral drugs if necessary.