Cattle thief nabbed

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — Police in Gatsibo district are holding a man who allegedly stole three cows belonging to one resident.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


GATSIBO — Police in Gatsibo district are holding a man who allegedly stole three cows belonging to one resident.

Rebero Frank, 37, a resident of Rwimbogo allegedly stole the animals belonging to Ntambara Gerald on Monday night.

The thief had reportedly tried earlier to steal from another resident Kabalungi Jane, but escaped arrest and left his shirt behind that acted as evidence.

 Sources allege that he connived with other suspects still at large to still the animals.

The cows were however recovered from Nyakayaga, about seven kilometers from Rwimbogo after a family friend alerted the cattle owner.

The thief allegedly admitted theft of the animals but denied allegations of earlier theft attempt on Kabalungi,s cows, although he accepted ownership of the shirt.
