Relationship: Snap them out of attention seeking

Call it being mean, but attention seeking lovers irritate. Imagine seeing the man you fell in love with act like some female drama queen or your better half behaving in a funny way because they badly need to be noticed.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Call it being mean, but attention seeking lovers irritate. Imagine seeing the man you fell in love with act like some female drama queen or your better half behaving in a funny way because they badly need to be noticed.

Attention seekers exaggerate even the smallest things, in order to gain sympathy. Does your spouse make up incidents say accidents, fights at work.., name it, and perhaps he/she is an attention freak.

You have had a fair share of dudes who will brag about their cool residence in Nyarutarama, their yet-to-be imported Lexus or being cousins to the president. Some people go as far as lying to acquire their badly needed attention.

Female attention seekers do it the weird way. They will dominate each conversation even with topics that they are less aware of. Some will act all emotional at the slightest thing while others will become actresses when their boyfriend’s cousin’s brother’s friend is ill.

Dangers of dating an attention seeker
Love is blind but sensitive enough to hate attention seeking.

A relationship with one actor/actress partner suffers the following;
Attention seekers are hard to satisfy.
"An attention seeker will always do great things for you but will never be satisfied with the amount of thanks or appreciation you give,” says Betty Mwiza.

In their pursuit for observation and sympathy, spouses deceive a lot. Much as one party genuinely understands that the quest for attention is the cause for the lies, the relationship will soon fail for it’s not founded on trust.

Tolerating attention seekers’ mood swings is as hard as keeping the relationship itself. Imagine a man or a woman who is ever acting up.

"Do this or else you don’t love me, I am suffering from this but you don’t even care…” Being such a person is like staying with a time bomb.

Snap the attention seeking out of him/her

With the recent story of a Ugandan university student’s who burnt to ashes his pregnant girlfriend under mysterious reasons, you don’t want to be prey to such. You can tame your attention seeking lover;

Give him/her the needed attention:
 In order to stop the attention seeking behaviour, first provide their need, attention. Need for attention is a basic human requirement though some people need it more than others. Offering the needed attention will provide a starting point towards pursuing his/her recovery.

Support his/her positive side
You now know your spouse’s positive and negative behaviour. Both the negative and positive behaviour are used to seek attention. Praising your spouse’s positive side and ignore the negative one. Give a cold shoulder to his boasting habit but be thankful if he brings you that gift.

Time to have a talk:
Appreciate their positive side but mention you don’t like ABC about them. Make sure the talk is done in private; your aim is helping them change, not to hurt their ego.

Wait for outcomes:
Don’t freeze if they are mad about the truth. Once they spend time alone, they will focus on your conversation and realize their irritating character.

Appreciate more:
Now that they are changed, your appreciation will cushion their tremendous transformation from hopeless attention seekers to reasonable spouses.
