Let us support UN’s move on FDLR

Editor, A lot has been said about FDLR - a rebel group operating in the jungles of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). They have killed, maimed and raped many women, with impunity. But Rwandans should stay calm because this barbaric behavior will come to an end one day, no matter how long it takes. Killing innocent people is a serious crime and one day, the killers will be asked to explain.

Saturday, December 04, 2010


A lot has been said about FDLR - a rebel group operating in the jungles of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). They have killed, maimed and raped many women, with impunity.

But Rwandans should stay calm because this barbaric behavior will come to an end one day, no matter how long it takes. Killing innocent people is a serious crime and one day, the killers will be asked to explain.

The move by The United Nation Security Council to impose a worldwide travel ban and order to freeze the assets of three top leaders of FDLR is to some extent commendable.
Other countries where members of FDLR are hiding have an obligation to apprehend them because these are genocide suspects running away from justice.

I wish to move a vote of thanks to Ugandan authorities who arrested and extradited a genocide fugitive who has been living in the country.  This is surely a positive gesture, clearly indicating that genocide suspects can run or hide but not forever.

Dan Mulisa